Monday, June 21, 2010

Claudia's Weekend Update

Saturday's Workout:

While the other Austin CrossFitters were throwing-down at a garage somewhere, Alyssa and I had our own really early (6:30 AM) throw-down on a track. Melissa was there in spirit. :-) Went like this:


50 push ups
50 box jumps -I had to sub step-ups due to tendonitis :(
50 DB floor wipers
50 Thrusters
50 KB swings (16 kg)
800 m Run -- I had to sub 50 KB clean & press w/ 16 kg.

plus some silent trash talking to some women doing some in-place marching for a workout? what???

Alyssa was a trooper and we BOTH decided that I was NOT a workout Nazi.


Big Mike has apologized for ditching us at the previous weekend's workout. He has generously offered to teach only our team a 2 hour minimum olympic weightlifting clinic. During the whole clinic he will be encouraging, positive and smile a lot. Then he is going to cook us a fabulous breakfast, as featured on his SICFIT cooking show. Then he will give us all 1 hour massages and trigger point because our muscles will be sore from all the olympic lifting. Okay, he really only agreed to the first one, but I'm negotiating the other two.

Natural Deoderant:

In a previous blog, Alyssa put up a recipe(?) for making natural deoderant. She was sweet enough to make me some. I have tested it and so far can report no stink. I am trying to get one of my co-workers/friends to give me a true unbiased opinion. But so far no takers on smelling my armpits. IT'S FOR SCIENCE PEOPLE!!! I'll keep you updated.


Seven weeks of practice and I can report that they still suck!!! So clearly, I am pull-up challenged and will be spending my Spartan Challenge cursing that metal bar and my non-pulling hard enough arms for 20 minutes. :-) Fortunately, since I'll be on the pull-up bar for so long no one will know that my push ups are just as sucky. :-)

That's all I've got. Good luck to everyone on Saturday. You can find me flailing around on the pull up bar. Good times for all!!!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Weekend Workout

So a few of us did a workout on Saturday, early morn.

Workout consisted of:

25 burpees
50 clean and thrusts with a kettlebell
50 double unders or 100 single jumps
50 push ups
50 lunges with dumbells
50 floor sweepers
25 burpees

(I think that was it...)

I felt like something was missing though...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Not exactly food porn...but it was at least tasty

had a li'l grilled chicken, broccoli slaw, and grilled yellow peppers the other night...


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Farmhouse Delivery

So I signed up for the Farmhouse Delivery box. Put my grub to work and made the Deconstructed Squash and Roasted Beets (recipes found on their blog).

The best part? Beet pee. :)