Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another use for those strange paleo ingredients...

I realized the other day that 'cause of this paleo eating....I had all the ingredients in my house to make my own deodorant :)

I haven't yet determined whether it's workout worthy, but it's been great for regular everyday use.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Claudia's 1 Week Down Update

Okay Big Mike. I am posting, hello!!!

Last week I posted my goals for this challenge and here is how week #1 went.

1) Kipping pull-ups -- I have practiced after class. I used to be anti-kipping or a kipping hater, and only practice deadhang. The swinging and high reps cause hand pain. Yes, I'm a hand-pain weenie. The deadhangs did help me get better at WODS with pull-ups but they were slow and after a few super sloppy. So for this challenge I'm determined to incorporate kipping pull-up practice into my routine. I've stayed after class and worked on them and have done my regular pull-ups at home. I almost got a butterfly pull-up at the clinic. It was more of a moth, with a broken wing. I am seeing some overall endurance and strength improvement, so I'd say things are going well in this department.

2) Push-ups -- I generally suck at these. When I started Crossfit I could maybe 3 in a row on my knees with horrible form. I am practicing every day and this week I'm upping my number to 35 per day. I'm struggling with full range of motion. Every time I think I'm doing awesome by bringing my not so voluptuous chest to what I think is very close to the ground, one of the two Mikes calls me out and tells me to get lower. So I think I need a more voluptuous chest. Not really, but really. So goal this week is to slow my push-ups down and really focus on getting full range of motion.

3) Box Jumps -- did WOD today with 12 inch box. Didn't go to badly. Next week up to slow 20 inch jumps. Hopefully.

4) Metabolic conditioning -- Did two hill runs this week. One long run and one with 400 m sprints (I'm using the work "sprint" very loosely here). I haven't run since I broke my ankle, so it was slow but not as bad as I thought. I will repeat this again this week and add in some short sprint work as well.

Diet-- I'm good with the paleo as far as food goes mainly by default since I'm intolerant to gluten and all dairy. My problem is mainly with sugar. I love it!!! Prior to the I AM Challenge I gave up sweets in general but replaced with fruit, a lot of it all day, and I thought I was doing well. At the nutrition meeting Carey said that really you should only have one serving of fruit a day. I was at first stunned, then immediately devasted and then hit all the stages of loss-- denial, anger, sadness, etc. I just really couldn't picture a life without 8 servings of fruit a day. I wasn't sure I wanted to live in a world like that. (kidding, mostly). I did eventually give in and now I only eat a very small amount and usually only after a hard workout. I exchanged my fruit for raw vege snacks. It has helped my energy level and body fat loss. My diet goal for this challenge is to focus on getting sufficient protein to build more muscle and drinking way more water.

That turned out longer than I intended.

Claudia :-)

Clay wrote the below, LOL

Weekend eating out or on the go

I know sometimes I find it hard to eat healthy on the weekends. If you haven't been or heard of it, they have My Fit Foods off lamar or bee caves, and also Snap Kitchen in the Triangle off of Lamar. I went to Snap Kitchen on sunday for lunch for the first time and they have paleo, gluten free and several healthy meals that you can eat there or take it to go. I had the steak, edamame puree, broccoli & carrots. Pretty cool place to try out.

Today's workout was tough.
12 rd's 6 box jumps RX
Melissa's Goals

My main goal is to loose 4% body fat. I will achieve this by eating Paleo and food logging. I will also stay after class MWF and do a minimum of 30 pull ups, 30 push ups ( tired of the bruised knees) and 75 on the GHD. Good luck to every one!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spartan Clinic

Today's Clinic went Great!
Well done to everybody from the
BMS! You are gonna rip it the next
6 weeks!

Stay focused!
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Thursday, May 13, 2010 and Big Mike's Tasty F'in Meals

Yesterday I filmed what will be the premier episode of Big Mike's Tasty F'in Meals
for . This show's primary purpose is
to remove the idea that people do not have time to cook for themselves for one, and
to wipe away the lie that it is "Too Hard" to eat healthy and delicious at the same
time. This show will be exclusive to the SicFit Website!
The show will be highlighted early next week so be sure to check it out.

Webster Smith, Elliot Schrock, and Nicole Hughes have done an amazing job so far
with this new site! Their desire to highlight The Sport of Fitness, Underground
Strentgh Training, Parkour and other lesser known, unorthadox styles of training
which demonstrate the unlimited potential of human performance has been remarkably
portrayed by the website. This is a site that all athletes can respect because
when they use it, they will be better informed by the plethora of videos and all the
linked websites that these 3 individuals have worked so many hours for to bring to
our attention. Many props to all of them for thier work!
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some Evening Tire Pulls

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5 X 100 Ft
Rest approx 2 Minutes between each

Food Log today.
- 1 Zucchini
- 1 Beef Sausage Link
- 3 Eggs
- 3 Handfuls of Chopped Kale

- Half Zucchini
- Half Squash
- 3/4 Link Chicken Sausage
- Handful of chopped Collard Greans

Almond Butter
Almond Milk

Post WO Recovery and Protein Shake
w/ Blueberries

3 oz lamb
3 Cups of cooked brocolli

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Mike Can

1. Prepare his meals four times a day (lots of veggies)

2. Run sprints every Sunday (10 X 10 yards, 8 X 20's, 6 X 40's, 4 X 60's, 2 X 80's, 2 X 100)

3. Run around block in 12 minutes on Tuesdays

4. Run during metcons on Wednesdays

5. Do 50 burpees in 2:20

6. Deadlift 500 lbs

7. Roll out his legs for 20 minutes everyday

8. Compete in the 2010 crossfit games

Outlaw's life challenge starting with this 7 weeks

My goals are nothing too complex. Thats makes it easier to reach and keep for me.

1. The one I'm mainly focused on is lowering my body fat percentage. At the culmination of the 7 weeks I want to be about 8% or so. I'm currently about 14.5%

2. 3. 4. and so on..... With my heading towards goal one I'm finding that a slew of other goals begin to materialize and are completed to a certain degree by force alone, so that I can better reach my initial body fat goal. Things such as learing more about nutrition and cooking are prime examples.


Clay's Goals

I am doing the spartan challenge to focus on my overall strength.

1. My first attempt I achieved 18:24 on my time. My Goal is to be under 15:00 minutes at the end.

a. Work out 5/6 days a week
b. Focus on exercises that were weakness in the event( box jump, Kettle Bell Clean/Press)
c. After each morning class workout I will include at least 3 sets of push ups, pull ups, or dips
d. After workouts on my own I will perform sets of 5X5X5X5X5 to drive strength with dumbell squats, dumbell deadlifts, kettlebell swings
e. Also, a strict focus on my diet to working to increase my protein intake and making sure I miss no meals. I have added more fat to my diet including almond milk, and spreading more almonds and pecans throughout my diet.



1 1/2 oz Chicken Sausage
1 oz uncured peppered bacon
1 large Zucchini
3 Portabella Mini Mushrooms
2 Eggs
1 large handful of Spinach
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Handy Paleo Blogs

Is a paleo blog I recently happened upon. She has great pictures, recipes, and ideas specifically for keepin' a paleo family. I'm hopin' to try the stuffed avocados soon. Will report back. :)

Bacon Wrapped Bananas on

I've actually made these, used some organic apple wood smoked turkey bacon and regular bananas I had around the house. Really simple, quick, and were really our very own coaches too!


Claudia's 7 week fitness goals for challenge

I am posting some of my goals, so the team and coach can keep me accountable. My main goal is to better my time for challenge by working on areas I believe are my main weaknesses. These are my weaknesses and my plans for improvement:

1) kipping pull-ups: I will practice after class, at least twice a week, up to 25, trying for as many consecutive as possible, unless we do a WOD with over 50. I will also practice deadhangs to build strength.

2) push-ups: practice 30 everyday with perfect form, strive for as many consecutive as possible.

3.) box jumps: 10 consecutive box jumps at least 3 times as week. I will start this one next week and increase the number every week as my ankle gets stronger.

4.) overall metabolic conditioning: I will start running twice weekly for a minimum of 30 minutes and include intervals, short sprints, and hills.

That's it for now.

Claudia :-)

Monday, May 10, 2010

It Begins!

Hey Team! How bout we pretend like we want to take this next 7 weeks seriously and
keep up with each other as strive to improve our overall health and fitness goals. This Blog will be an outlet to post any and everything you want that has to do with your experiences with this challenge!

I encourage you all to make use of it. I believe it will be one more reason to be accountable to yourself, your team, and me! Your journey will continue to find new points. These points will be a place for your to decide to take one of 2 paths. One path is very clear and very comfortable. It is a path that people take all the time. It is safe! It is not a challenge. It will lead you to mediocrity. The other path is one not so clear. It will test you in ways you have never known. You will have to fight your way through it to get to a destination of new lands only few know of. It is a place more rewarding than the alternative!

All you gotta decide which path you want to take. The one that takes you to the same ol place, or will you choose the road less traveled?